136. The Patchwork Quilt #Inspirational Moral Stories

136. The Patchwork Quilt #Inspirational Moral Stories

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136. The Patchwork Quilt #Inspirational Moral Stories

Ellie's mother made lovely dresses and knitted fluffy sweaters for her. Once, Ellie's mother saw the scraps of cloth from her old sewing projects and thought, 'I will make a quilt with these.' She set to work and made a beautiful quilt for Ellie, who loved the quilt. Every time Ellie's mother tucked her into bed at night, Ellie felt warm and cosy. She drifted off into a peaceful slumber and travelled to faraway lands. Once, she went to a city where icecream grew on trees and houses were made of cupcakes and chocolates. Another night, Ellie flew up to the sky and met the Moon, who was loved by his companions-the stars. They played hide-and-seek with her among the clouds until dawn. Every night, Ellie couldn't wait to get into bed under the patchwork quilt. When she told her friends about her magical adventures, they too wished they had a patchwork quilt!

Moral of the Story: This story highlights the value of creativity and resourcefulness. Ellie's mother uses leftover scraps of cloth to create something beautiful and meaningful, which brings joy and comfort to her daughter.

TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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