The Crab and the Snake #Inspirational Moral Stories

The Crab and the Snake #Inspirational Moral Stories

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133. The Crab and the Snake

Once there was a boy named Brahmdutt. One day, he had to go to a nearby village. As he was preparing to go there, his mother said to him, “You should not go alone; you must have someone with you.” But Brahmdutt disagreed, and was about to move. Then his mother gave him a box saying that there was some food in it. Taking the box he proceeded. After walking a little bit he felt exhausted and decided to take a nap under a tree. Keeping that box he slept there, but there lived a snake in a hole. Brahmdutt's mother had secretly given him a box of camphor along with a crab. The snake came out of the hole smelling the camphor. When the snake opened the box, a crab came out and killed the snake. When Brahmdutt woke up and saw the snake and the crab, he understood that his mother had given the box of camphor and crab. He gave her thanks from his heart.

Moral: Don't ignore elders' advice.

TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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