The Dreamer Milkmaid #Inspirational Moral Stories

The Dreamer Milkmaid #Inspirational Moral Stories

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The Dreamer Milkmaid

Taking a large container of milk on her head a milkmaid was on her way for selling it. As her steps were moving towards the market, her inclination towards wealth was being enhanced. A surge of excitement of money by selling the milk was noticeable. She began to dream how she would dream use that money. She was murmuring the words and moving her hands. Her dream took her in a different world and she said to herself, “The money, after selling the milk, would be used for purchasing a hundred chicks and when chicks would be fully grown, I would sell them at a good price for buying two goats. When the goats would be fully grown, I could sell them at an even better price!” Still dreaming, she said to herself, “Soon, I would be able to buy two more cows and I would have a lot of money with a luxurious life.” With these happy thoughts, she began to skip and jump. Suddenly, she tripped and fell. The jug broke and all the milk spilt onto the ground. “No more dream,” she cried foolishly.

Moral: Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.

TAGS: language development in children,Inspirational Moral Stories,very short stories with morals,stories to read for kids.

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