The Hidden Treasure #Inspirational Moral Stories

The Hidden Treasure #Inspirational Moral Stories

SHYAMPRASAD +91 8099099083


84. The Hidden Treasure

Once upon a time there was a very hard-working farmer. He had a field which gave a rich crop of grapes every year. He had three sons but none of them bothered to help their father in his work. They were very easy-going kind of people. So, the farmer was very worried about their future. One day, the farmer fell ill due to old age. He called his son and said, “Dear sons! I doubt my end is near and before dying I want to tell you that, in my grapery, there lies a hidden treasure. Dig it out after my death.” Saying this, the old farmer died. After performing the last rituals of their father, the sons began digging the vine-yard. They dug every inch of it but found nothing. But the digging led to such a rich crop as had never been there before even when their father was alive. So, the sons came to know what their father meant by hidden treasure.

Moral: Hard labour is our hidden treasure.

TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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