2. The Monkeys Go Fasting (India) #Inspirational Moral Stories

2. The Monkeys Go Fasting (India) #Inspirational Moral Stories

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2. The Monkeys Go Fasting (India) #Inspirational Moral Stories

One day, some monkeys decided to go on a fast. They thought that before starting the fast they should keep them food ready with which they would break the fast. So, they gathered some delicious bananas. Then they thought of sharing bananas amongst them before beginning the fast. One of them suggested that they should peel off the bananas and keep them ready to eat after the fast. So they peeled off the bananas and decided that they would not eat them under any condition before evening. A little monkey then asked if he could just keep the banana in his mouth but promised not to eat it till evening. They all liked the idea and each monkey put a banana in his mouth so that he might chew it immediately when he would break the fast. Everyone thought that as long as he did not eat it, it was fine to keep the banana in his mouth. One by one they eyed one another uncomfortably as they began their fast. As it was obvious and expected, within no time, the bananas disappeared down their gullets. This was the end of their fast.

TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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