131. The Clever Maid #Inspirational Moral Stories

131. The Clever Maid #Inspirational Moral Stories

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131. The Clever Maid #Inspirational Moral Stories

Samantha was a mean lady. She had a maid named Eva and she made life miserable for her. Every day, she would devise new ways to trouble Eva. One day,   ---------- she asked Eva to rush to the market and get a bottle of '  . lemonade. Eva said, "I will go. Please give me the money." Samantha mocked, "What money?" Eva replied, "Madam, how can I buy the lemonade without money?" Samantha said, "Think about it. Anyone can buy lemonade with money. But you need skills to buy it without money. Use your skills!" This was the last straw for Eva. After some time she reached Samantha with an empty lemonade bottle and gave it to her. When Samantha asked her about the lemonade, Eva retorted, "Anyone can drink lemonade when the bottle is full. But you need to use your skills to drink it from an empty bottle, Madam." Samantha realised her mistake.  

  Moral of the Story: This story teaches us that mistreating others can lead to unexpected consequences, and kindness should be shown to everyone.

TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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